10 Digital Marketing Tips for 2020


Posted on April 13, 2020 by Aaron Johnson

1.Optimize your mobile site.

If you haven’t already optimized your mobile site, you need to put it at the top of your to-do list. People are spending more time on their mobile devices than ever before. US consumers spend more time using their mobile devices than watching TV. 

“We’ve expected that mobile would overtake TV for a while, but seeing it happen is still surprising,” stated Yoram Wurmser, an eMarketer principal analyst. “As recently as 2014, the average US adult watched nearly 2 hours more TV than they spent on their phones.”

Taking full advantage of the booming mobile optimization market can be a key factor in the success of your business. Mobile optimization is applied to your business’s website to ensure its design, page layout, download speed, and other factors are all working to their fullest extent. In today’s world, a business whose website doesn’t translate well onto a mobile device signals to customers that the business may be behind the times.

2. Lights, camera, action! Invest in video marketing.

In the United States alone, digital video marketing is a $135 billion industry.  As Lemonlight, a Californian video production company, says, “Brands can no longer get by using written content and images alone — nowadays, that’s uninteresting and unengaging for consumers who are inundated with live streaming, interactive 360 videos, augmented reality, and more.” 

Video marketing allows tech companies and other businesses to show their customers and potential clients what they have to offer and what they are working on. This helps build excitement and entertain your audience. 

3. Keep up social media marketing efforts.

Advertising on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram remains one of the most important avenues for modern businesses to reach their audiences. Creating and sharing content on these websites is crucial, both for establishing an audience as well as maintaining contact with customers. It’s important to establish your target audience so you know which platforms are going to best reach your audience.

4. Make graphic design a priority.

Just as important as attracting the attention of search engines is attracting the attention of future customers. An aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly website has become essential today for businesses that intend to thrive. 

Using photography, audio, and video elements results in engaging content that will not only hold a viewer’s interest but work to convert it into a sale.

5. Utilize data analytics.

You might imagine this merely entails counting likes or website views, but today, data analytics offers a more comprehensive evaluation. The proliferation of social media, smart technologies, and the internet allows organizations to capture more quantifiable data than ever before. However, the collection of this raw data alone does not produce the meaningful insights needed to make strategic business decisions. Making use of agencies or tools like HubSpot will provide your company with the help it needs to make sense of all this information. Data analytics can work to grow your business by optimizing conversion rates and increasing sales.

6. Give livestreaming a try.

Livestreaming helps you connect with your audience as you broadcast in real-time. As marketing specialist Morgan Lathaen said, “Livestreaming was on the rise in 2019 and will continue to dominate in 2020 because it is free, takes a short amount of time to produce, reaches a broader target audience, and offers authentic user engagement.” In addition, live content is often found to generate more impressions than regular newsfeed posts. If you haven’t already given it a try, now is the time!

7. Don’t forget about digital networking.

Social networking sites are invaluable marketing tools because they enable professionals to connect with each other worldwide. Networking sites like LinkedIn give employers the opportunity to connect with people who have the potential to be game-changing assets as employees. It’s important for small businesses to take part in social networking sites to spread the word about their growing company. If your organization makes dozens of professional connections online, it will increase word-of-mouth and consequently, sales.

8. Take time to connect via email.

Emails are still a powerful marketing tool and an easy way to spread your message with ease. The number of global email users is estimated to grow to 4.3 billion users by 2023, so email marketing will continue to be crucial to your business. It provides you with a huge opportunity to truly connect with your audience. Companies have wised up to the fact that potential clients don’t care about redundant, trite emails. They desire something fresh, fun, and relevant to their lives. When crafting a marketing strategy, make sure your business is sending emails that are full of content that your customers actually want to read. Email marketing is more about connecting and offering useful information or inspiration, not just another sales pitch.

9. Build an app.

If it’s right for you and your business, consider building an app. Even if your company is small, you can garner a lot of attention if you invest in an app. In 2020, mobile apps are expected to produce $581.9 billion in revenue. Apps make doing business a little easier and can be a great marketing tool if it makes it easier for customers to engage or purchase a product or service from you. Building an app takes research, planning, and testing. Remember to take things slow and delay the release of your app until all the bugs are worked out. Creating the ultimate user experience is what matters the most.

10. Don’t be afraid to outsource your marketing efforts.

If you don’t have the time, money, and resources to devote to digital marketing, don’t shy away from asking for help. Consider streamlining your marketing and sales processes by hiring a digital marketing agency. Ready to save money, accomplish tasks in a shorter amount of time, and give your employees more flexibility? Of course you are. Leave the nitty-gritty marketing work to a virtual marketing department like Social Link. This means you will have more freedom to do what you do best, whether that’s product development, financials, or account management.

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