4 Brands Using Social Media Marketing Video


Posted on August 17, 2018 by Aaron Johnson

As social media marketing evolves to include engaging video, brands are jumping at the opportunity to create new ways to interact with customers on platforms like Vine and Instagram.

Using video in social media marketing increases content consumption and share rates, which results in increased brand awareness and higher levels of engagement. Take a look at four brands using video well.

  • Levi’s. Instagram provided Levi’s with the perfect platform to launch their 9-day campaign, which reached nearly 8 million people.
  • Burberry. With the use of Vine, Burberry effectively engages their audience with visually stunning videos highlighting new product lines.
  • Samsung. The use of Vine video has provided Samsung with a creative outlet in which to communicate their brand’s value.

Does your brand use video in social media posts?

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