Best Social Media Marketing Techniques


Posted on June 6, 2013 by Aaron Johnson

Social media is an enormously rewarding piece of any marketing strategy – it’s cheap, easy to enact, and is an excellent platform for client interactivity. The best thing about social media marketing is that it gives you the opportunity to use word of mouth, one of the most effective marketing tactics, online rather than in person. In this way, you can keep track of exactly how well your social media campaign is working.

Social media isn’t the only way you should be running your online marketing show, but it’s an excellent way to improve the marketing campaign that you may well already have under way.

Your social media marketing campaign should definitely make use of excellent, regularly updated content and combine that strategy with engaging and interactive features. Social media is a perfect platform for this. Facebook posts inherently allow your followers to comment and Twitter posts allow people to retweet and respond, both of which are perfect ways for getting the word out. Asking your clients questions and meeting them where they are is an important way to get them to engage with your content.

When it comes to social media marketing, make sure you’re not overreaching. Sending out automated messages and scraping user data isn’t tremendously effective and can be a little creepy. Stay away from alienating your clientele by using social media’s best practices.

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