Creating Web Content That Converts


Posted on June 6, 2013 by Aaron Johnson

Every marketer needs good content that converts. With any and all marketing strategies, it’s important to make sure that when searchers find your business, your content can convert them into buyers. Let’s talk about how this works.

  • Consider your audience. What are you hoping to achieve with your web content? How are you affecting your readers? When you can answer simple questions about your goals and your audience, you’re well on your way to creating great content.
  • Be direct and to the point. You’re not writing the next great American novel; you’re hooking your readers with content that they can scan easily in order to glean your main arguments quickly and effectively. You don’t have time for subtleties.
  • Keep it short and simple. You want short words, short sentences, and short paragraphs. Giant blocks of text with big SAT words are not going to make your readers want to stick around. Better yet, use lists and bullet points so that readers can skim over your text quickly.
  • Use bolds and italics – but only for the important parts. Your readers are going to zero in on the words that are most visible, so you want to make sure that you’re selecting key points for your readers.
  • It’s not all about text! Graphics can also be excellent hooks, so make the most of them. It’s much easier to ignore a lot of words than a graphic that packs a punch.

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