Your Brand Is More Than Your Logo


Posted on June 18, 2015 by Aaron Johnson

Constructing a brand is about much more than securing the perfect shade for your company logo. Brands are multifaceted constructs and are among the most essential of marketing strategy tools. Knowing this, what are some ways in which you can make your brand all it can be?

Affiliate Yourself with Well-Known Entities

Birds of a feather flock together, as the saying goes, and allying yourself with established and well-regarded professionals in your area can go a long way toward building your brand’s credibility. Contribute to their sites, solicit connections, and work to establish meaningful professional bonds with recognized names. This will help bring your brand out of obscurity if it is newly established or reinforce its image if it already has a following.

Give Background to Your Brand

Everyone loves a good story, and engaging your clients – present and future – with a personal background, your company history, or your products is a great way to cement your brand in their mind. Learning about a company or professional in a relatable way draws people in and gives them a sense of trust and interest in your organization.

Be Conscientious of What You Post

As a professional, it is of the utmost importance that each update, post, or article you generate is one you can proudly stand behind. Before posting anything under your brand’s name, ask yourself if it is universal, relevant, helpful, or relatable to your target audience. If the answer is no, consider focusing the piece a bit more on the needs of your readers.

Your brand is the face the world sees, and it encompasses everything from your posts and emails to your website’s content and structure. Focusing diligently on exactly what that face communicates about you or your organization is a great way to mold your brand into the perfect marketing strategy tool.

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