Mobile Marketing Trends


Posted on May 26, 2015 by Aaron Johnson

Mobile Marketing – the Latest Industry Trend

The mobile marketing trend blasted into the marketing scene in the last few years and has been rapidly growing since. In fact, if your business is not participating in mobile marketing already, you may soon be left in the dust. More and more people are using their mobile devices to browse, search, and buy. In January of 2015, a reported 3.649 people were performing these activities on their mobile devices, for a market penetration of 51% (the population is estimated at 7.210 billion). This number is expected to be even higher by year’s end, so make sure your marketing campaign is optimized and ready to go mobile. Whether your mobile strategies are in the works or you’re a seasoned vet, here are some considerations for a successful mobile marketing campaign.

Make sure you optimize your site with responsive design. Responsive design takes your website and adapts it to a variety of mobile devices, from iPhones to Android tablets. Additionally, make sure your site is high-quality. Mobile sites are expected to perform and look better than their desktop counterparts, so make sure you do some testing before launch. Quick Tip: Avoid using longer headlines so they don’t get cut off on a small mobile screen.

Optimize Your CTA as well. Place your CTA in a highly visible area of the page and make sure it’s large so it is easy to click. Somewhere between 44-57 pixels is a good size for the average American thumb.

Make your e-mails mobile. It’s estimated that 48% of e-mails are read on a mobile device, and surprisingly, many e-mails still aren’t designed around this statistic. Reduce the size of images, resize them to fit a mobile phone, and utilize clickable CTAs.

Consider your overall campaign. Many consumers will start researching a product or service on a mobile device and then complete the task on a computer. So, in addition to making your mobile marketing campaign top-notch, you should retarget and streamline your desktop site as well.

After all is said and done, take the Google Mobile Friendly Test. The test will analyze your mobile site and report on its mobile friendliness based on several criteria.


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