How New Musicians Can Benefit from Inbound Marketing


Posted on July 31, 2018 by Aaron Johnson

New musicians are in a vicious cycle. They can’t get people to listen to their music because it’s not being promoted, and nobody will promote their music because it’s not being listened to.

However, there’s no reason to despair and hang up the six strings just yet. One of the most popular ways new musicians can develop traction is through inbound marketing.

Inbound marketing is a relatively new form of marketing that utilizes multiple platforms, channels and media outlets to get your message to the people who need to hear it most.

Here are just a few ways new musicians can benefit from inbound marketing:

  • Establishes professionalism early. Most new musicians start by posting their content on YouTube and SoundCloud, where it’s all too easy to get lost in the crowd. Inbound marketing creates a strong, cohesive brand and image that not only communicates professionalism, but strengthens the chances of getting a musician’s message heard by the early adopters who create a following by spreading the word to their friends.
  • Better connection with fans. Inbound marketing allows new musicians to keep fans updated, obtain feedback, and gain a sense of what they like and what they don’t. The feedback is more reliable than the likes or comments of social media channels as it’s coming directly from fans whose primary interest is in the music itself, instead of promoting their own social media pages and content.
  • Maximize content visibility. While it’s always good to create a lot of content for fans, inbound marketing makes sure that the content that has already been created gets maximum visibility. A gig announcement in an email will be more effective than hoping people see it posted on the Facebook page. Websites can be used to generate anticipation for new releases. Email lists with high numbers show producers and promoters the potential for your music’s profitability.

New musicians ready to take a step up in the industry should be looking into inbound marketing methods to get their music heard by the right people.

Companies like Social Link are experienced in helping new musicians increase visibility and establish themselves in the industry through inbound marketing. To learn more about our effective and affordable options, visit our home page.

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