Posted on August 13, 2015 by Aaron Johnson
Google PageRank uses over 200 elements to rank websites on a scale from 1-10. Even popular, well-read sites may not have perfect scores, but the closer to 10 you can get, the more likely it is that your online marketing efforts will pay off. A rank of 5 means that a site has successfully placed itself online as a relevant, inbound link-rich source for search engine users. Whether you’ve recently scored a 2 or you’re edging up on 5, there is always more work to do to maintain and improve your Nashville SEO strategy.
Website Rankings Are Not Static
Unfortunately, you cannot achieve a decent website ranking and stop working on SEO. According to some of the most recent statistics, over 5 exabytes of content were being developed daily in 2013. With that comes an increased potential every day for your page rankings to fluctuate. Without constant vigilance and a focus on strategy innovation, your page may slip from its current rankings, leaving you with a “Do not pass Go, Do not collect $200” type of scenario.
To keep your current website rankings, run reports regularly to see how your site is holding up to the competition.
Keep moving forward with your Nashville SEO strategy to maintain local and widespread visibility in the search engines your market uses most. SEO is a continuous, long-term strategy for growth and visibility. Stick with it to make the most of your investment.
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