What You Should Know About PPC and Retargeting


Posted on June 6, 2013 by Aaron Johnson

When it comes to retargeting, many marketers use search retargeting as their go-to strategy. There are a number of ways to strategize in this way, so make sure you’re diversifying as best you can. By the same token, pay per click (PPC) is another staple in online marketing strategies. But what is the best approach? Diversify by combining these two approaches.

The best thing about using PPC is that smaller businesses have the opportunity to get great exposure online without having to spend a lot of money. Using PPC in addition to strong SEO is a highly effective way to drive traffic to your site. When traffic doesn’t convert, PPC plus retargeting is a way to go.

Retargeting means that you use display ads to reach out to people who have already visited your website. By using an effective retargeting strategy, the traffic that you have already spent money to generate will see snippets of your content in lots of other places.

Remember, if your audience sees your same retargeted ads a lot, they may get bored. Not only should you be retargeting – you should also make sure you’re updating your ads frequently to increase the odds of people returning to your site.

In this way, traffic that may not have converted initially will see what you do all over the web. Whether or not they convert right away, these are valuable readers – and it’s important to make sure you’re paying attention to them.

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