YouTube Marketing Success


Posted on May 23, 2013 by Aaron Johnson

Tips for Incredible YouTube Marketing Success


With over 72 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, most content creators get lost in the ocean of new footage. However, brands that know how to leverage their YouTube presence have witnessed incredible success from the world’s second largest search engine. Brands such as Vat19 and DollarShaveClub receive millions of visits to their sites each month thanks largely in part to their YouTube channels. So how can you take advantage of this tool?


  1. Focus 110 percent of your efforts on content. While it’s tempting to promote your business or products through your YouTube videos, that shouldn’t be the focus. Traditional advertising doesn’t work on YouTube. Instead, create content that’s witty, engaging, and out of the ordinary – this is the content that thrives on YouTube. Don’t believe us? Check out these creatively engaging videos by some of the world’s largest brands!




Now, this isn’t to say that you can’t post serious content such as how-to videos or in-depth discussions, but if you pretend that you’re cultivating a new channel for television, you’ll find yourself focusing on content instead of promotions.

  1. Take advantage of annotations. YouTube annotations allow you to make text appear on the video screen wherever and whenever you want. While most viewers might find this annoying, using annotations to enhance the user experience results in loyal viewers. For instance, use annotations to link to related videos that viewers will enjoy. You can even use annotations to encourage viewers to leave comments and subscribe to your channel!
  2. Link people to your website. While garnering a solid YouTube following can take some time, be sure to always use your videos as an opportunity to push people to your site. After all, what’s the point of marketing on YouTube if those users never visit your other pages? To do this, you should not only link to your site in each and every video, but also verbally mention your site in your video content. This ensures that your brand is continuously promoted to viewers in an effective manner

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